Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The differences between primary school in England and Saudi Arabia Essay

The differences between primary school in England and Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The extent to which the models and theories of education build experience for children has elicited interests among the researchers. The systems of education in Saudi Arabia and England offer different levels of experience because educators in both countries adopt different models of educational transmission. Experience constitutes the aspects of intellect and consciousness, which children acquire when they undergo learning processes. They constitute a combination of thought processes, emotion, will, perception and imagination (Rowe, Herrera, Hughes, & Cawley, 2012). The models used by teachers to transmit knowledge to primary school children largely determine the extent to which learners acquire desirable experiences in education. Superior experience refers to the ability of one education system having a higher potential to enhance children’s learning than the other system. Models of educating children are characterised by diverse features and are applicable in different contexts. Factors that lead to superior experience include the educations system of a country, the content of the curriculum, and learners’ autonomy; further details concerning these factors are discussed in the analysis part. Models that promote superior experience enhance development of children across all spectrum of life including economic, social, and political aspects (Bloxham & Boyd, 2012). Superior experience is achieved through educators and curriculum developers focusing on all dimensions of Bloom’s taxonomic units when developing and executing the curriculum. Bloom’s taxonomy consists of cognitive domain, affective domain and psychomotor domain. Additionally, superior experience results from having courses developed by educators who understand the reality of primary classrooms (Schneider, 2013). Experienced educators have the potential for reviewing and updating courses regularly to ensure activities,

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