Saturday, November 9, 2019

Homework: Food and Patient

Homework 5 for Lesson 15 (Due on Wednesday, March 20) Read the passage below and answer the question. , , , , , , , , :â€Å" † Questions: (True/False) ( T ) 1. Li You cooked a tofu dish and invited Wang Hong to dinner. , ( T ) 2The tofu dish was the cause of Li You’s stomachache. ( F ) 3. When Li You went to the doctor, it took the doctor a long time to diagnose the problem. ( F ) 4. Li You asked Wang Peng to help her look for a new refrigerator. , , , , :† , , Questions: (True/False) ( T ) 1. Little Qian first met the doctor when she went to the hospital for her allergy. , ( F ) 2. According to Li You, Little Qian has suffered from her allergy for a long time. ( T ) 3. According to Li You, her allergy is Little Qian’s excuse for visiting that doctor. ( T ) 4. Liitle Qian’s allergy symptoms become worse when she sees the doctor. : : , : : : , , , , , : , , , : : : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦? ,! : , : , Questions: (True/False) ( F ) 1. The pa tient and the doctor meet in a restaurant. ( T ) 2.The patient has a stomachache. ( T ) 3. Neither the doctor nor the patient had dinner at home yesterday. ( T ) 4. The doctor urges the patient to take medicine as soon as possible. ( F ) 5. The doctor always dines at expensive restaurants. Multiple choice ( C ) 6. What is the doctor’s advice to the patient about dining out? _______ a. Go to more expensive restaurants where the food is tastier. , b. Go to more reputable restaurants where the food is more expensive. , c.Go to more expensive restaurants where the food is safer. , ( B ) 7. What can we say about the doctor? _______ a. He himself follows the advice he gives to his patient. b. He himself does not follow the advice he gives to his patient. c. He advices his patient to do things his way. ?this is a form that a new patient needs to fill out in hospitals in China. Try to fill out the form as much as you can, according to your own circumstances. And translate the charac ters and phrases that you can understand into English. ? Story telling: write a story in Chinese based on the four cartons below. Mare sure that your story has a beginning, middle and end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ———————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————-

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