Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Role Of Leisure Development For A Person During All...

Critically discuss the role of leisure in human development using one stage in the human lifespan. Intro Leisure plays a vital and important part in the human development of a person during all stages of the human lifespan. The key concepts that help define and form an understanding of leisure include: Experiences, self-expression, personality, commitment, need, identity, and constraint and motivation choices. These factors express that leisure helps an individual to develop their identity and aids in shaping the sort of person they are going to be, when developing, an individual’s leisure adapts. The process of human development reflects predictable age-related changes to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual state of the individual. [1] â€Å"It is systematic and predictable change by which people qualitatively different in some way from what they were before†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kleiber et al 2011 p 231). I have chosen to focus on the stage of early childhood in this essay, it is important to have a basic understanding of all of the stages of the human lifespan to better interpret this essay. Body There are 9 stages of the human lifespan and they are all important age divisions for the development of a person and leisure plays a large role in this, the stages of the human lifespan are as follows, infancy is from birth to a year old, at this stage they are learning to trust and growing rapidly. The next stage is early childhood which is from one to three years ofShow MoreRelatedFreud s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1437 Words   |  6 Pages The lifespan perspective is crucial for understanding human development. There are many different perspectives on the lifespan and the lifespan has been broken down in many different ways. A variety of scholars and theorists have proposed unique perspectives on lifespan. 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