Monday, December 16, 2019

The Smartest Kids At The World Essay - 1743 Words

Education is an important part of almost every person s life around the world and without it, we would struggle to develop as we mature into adults. America is currently the third most populated country around the world. With such a big population, it can be assumed that everyone undergoes a great education and graduates with a brain full of the greatest knowledge that everyone needs to know. While it can be true in some cases, other countries appear to be doing a much better job with educating students in recent years. In Ripley book, The Smartest Kids in the World, she claims that the education system in Poland has â€Å"dramatically improved its results in just a few years despite saying that Poland has a thousand good reasons for why it should fail (Ripley 127). The major question is how did it improve in such little time unlike American education which still has problems? It s a shaky claim due to Poland s potential flaws but it reminds me that their education has vastly improv ed over American education in a short period of time due to the heavy focus on specific subjects, the lack of distraction for students, and the fact that other countries have succeeded with similar education systems. While Poland doesn t drift too far from American education, the main change they made that improved education for students was focusing heavily on specific subjects that they believe everyone needs to learn. What this means is that teachers were given a strict structure on howShow MoreRelatedThe Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got that Way900 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The Threat of the â€Å"Smartest† Soda Ruan America is a country that currently spends more money on public education per student than any other nation in the world; nevertheless, these good intensions have achieved only slight positive outcomes. 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